Media room colors
Media room colors

media room colors media room colors

This turn of events has also encouraged homeowners to purchase large TVs from which to watch movies and special events. The latter two means of watching movies has eventually caused countless consumers to “cut the cord” and abandon their cable television.


The demise of the movie theater has changed with the advent of Blockbuster Video and then the ease of viewing movies or events in a pay-per-view format, on cable, Netflix and even streaming movies (and even TV. Going to the movies exuded an air of politeness back in the day, with no talking, obviously no cell phones ringing, and, unbelievably – men and women had to remove their fedoras and stylish hats so that the people in the seats behind had a clear and unobstructed view of the film! You parents will verify that at one time, the attraction for attending the movie theater was to collect bone china, with different pieces featured each week. It was not just the main feature, but often a newsreel, cartoons, some advertisements and previews first. There used to be an usher to escort you to your seat, then once the heavy curtains parted, there was a hushed silence in the audience as the audience waited for the entertainment to start. Going to the movies has changed throughout the years it used to be more of an event – something that you might have even dressed up for.

Media room colors